Tuesday, November 13, 2007

“Et Cetera Et Cetera” Shipped & We Moved All Our Crap to Long Beach

The record is officially done. My double spoken word CD “et cetera et cetera” was finally shipped off to the duplicator today. This project began with me recording the spoken word pieces in March 2006. I believe that’s 21 months in the making. Lots of blood, sweat, and tears (and complaining, shouting, and nervous frustration). I’ve been giving people estimated release dates for several months now, but I can now say (with confidence) that “et cetera et cetera” will be released and on sale in the first part of December (I’ll know the exact date soon). You’ll be able to purchase it securely through PayPal by going to on the day it is released and, alternately, purchase it on and a few weeks later.

In other news, we moved from Huntington Beach to Long Beach this past weekend. It was annoying and exhausting, but at least it’s over. We really dig our new place. We’re three blocks from the beach and it’s just a 10-minute walk downtown. Plus, there’s a little kid here who won’t shut up until you slam the door in her face. Needless to say, we’ve become fast friends and we’re getting along famously.

The best thing I saw this weekend? Half of a pizza just off the sidewalk, soggy and slumped in the grass. It was delicious.

I’ll write again when “et cetera et cetera” hits the streets and my new and improved Web site goes live.

There are 433 days remaining in Bush's presidency.


Unknown said...

Scott, I'm just not sure that we can continue this ruse. People are going to expect that we produce something tangible in December. We should just let it go and admit that we never really did a record. This whole scheme was a terrible idea (of yours) and I don't think it'll actually bring down Fox News as intended. I'm sorry.

Scott Siders said...

I hadn't given up hope until you just exposed our little conspiracy. But screw it. Let's just admit it. We've created nothing. It's not real. We're not real. This whole scheme was not devised by me. I need to correct you on that. It was thought up and arranged by Fox News. That's the truth. Fox News implemented its diabological (not a spelling error: a found word) plan to well, um, I'm still not comfortable writing it down. They're watching us, and the Republican operatives are on our tails. I'm sorry for everything. Oh well. We'll always have our Black Ops adventures in Timbuktu. Ed Murrow said it best...