Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Inside of Out

The SpicyNodes WebExhibit on poetry includes one of my poems, "The Inside of Out." I was selected to participate in demonstrating how this new technology can be used in the realm of poetry about two years ago. Now it's finally online. As I said during an interview at the time, "The reader has the opportunity to connect the ideas and images together in ways that would be impossible in a more traditional form."

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Guest at the Waldorf School

I had the opportunity to to be a guest "teacher" for a tenth grade class at the Waldorf School in Costa Mesa yesterday. I think it went pretty well considering the fact that I haven't been in front of a class in about eight years.

I read a few poems from The Armpit of Desire, played a few tracks from et cetera et cetera, and played the "Looking to Land" video. Then I facilitated a "show and tell" workshop that produced some interesting poetry from the students.

The best part? Well, if you ask the students, I bet they'd say the free copies of et cetera et cetera!

Thanks for inviting me Genevieve!