Friday, October 12, 2007

Lots of Talk About Britney, But None About Me

So, yes, it’s been a long time since I posted something on this blog. I’ve been busy.

We were in New York for 10 days in September for a wedding, after which we traveled around visiting friends and family. I could write about all of our exploits but, alas, I’m too tired and you’re not that interested. Suffice to say that it was a whirlwind trip and that Woodstock is a good place to have a wedding. Oh, and I ran into John Lequizamo in NYC. That was cool. He said I have the face of a writer (see: a face for radio), and to never, ever think about being on camera—never, ever.

I turned 31 on October 3. Yip-yaw and who the fuck cares. It’s just one more click on the slow, agonizing march towards 40. Not to sound too morose but, yeah, everything after 30 is just everything you didn’t accomplish in your 20s, and I’m feeling it. Hopefully this will be a productive (meaning what?) decade. It has to be.

We’re moving to Long Beach next month. We loved moving from Colorado to Huntington Beach 14 months ago so much that we decided to do it again—but this time only about 10 miles up the coast. I dig our new place. We’re going to be two blocks from the beach and a half a block from downtown, which is a pretty good scene. Staying focused on work will inevitably be tough—except the part about needing to make money to live and all that BS.

Now, then, on to a subject near and dear to my cacophony heart: et cetera et cetera. Yes, indeed, I finally have a real update. The mixed and mastered CDs are in the mail as I type this. Not to the duplication company. That comes next. These are the (cross your fingers) final versions of both discs minus all of the issues we’ve had (oh yeah, I haven’t blogged in awhile, so suffice to say that there have been some technical difficulties over the past couple of months). Anyhow, hopefully all is well. In which case, I’ll be sending everything off to the duplication company next week and (cross your toes this time) the record will be released sometime around the middle or end of November.

So that’s it for now. That’s as much of an update as I can stomach. There will be more to come when I know more about the exact release of et cetera et cetera.

I’ll be packing and moving in the meantime. Wish me luck.

There are 465 days remaining in Bush’s presidency.