Sunday, August 12, 2007

I've Been Missing

I’ve been missing lately—just busy with work and whatnot. My writing and editing company, Novo, Inc., that I started last year has been doing rather well lately, and I’m doing my best to keep things moving. It often seems to be feast or famine, but I move along. In the meantime, I’ve been putting the finishing touches on my new and improved Web site (, and working on new spoken word pieces for a future record.

Now, then: What’s really been going on? Well, since I last wrote we saw Daniel Tosh at the Irvine Improv. He gets better every year. What else can I say? Do yourself a favor and see this hilarious bastard at a comedy club near you.

Oh, and before I forget, there’s still the issue of the Scott Siders impostor. This guy thinks he’s cute. He actually posted a response to my blog about him, so it’s nice to know he’s reading (or is it?), but I also know that I’m giving him some readers by validating his self-righteous existence. I guess you could apply that label to me, but at least I’m not hiding behind a fake ideology invented to calm the fearful.

Great. Uplifting blog number 99, eh? Okay, well, so be it. He’s weighed in, and thinks this is some kind of joke. Well, I’m flat-out embarrassed by the fact that I share my name with this guy. He can believe in the fantasy world in which he believes, of course, but the unfortunate result is that I can be mistaken as him. I had that hilarious “note and identity clarification” on my homepage until I realized that he, of course, had everything to gain from the “advertising,” which he was quick to point out, and I knew very well but hoped I’d get some goddamn (lord’s name in vain!) supporters. Very few people are looking me up, of course, but, for the few that do, I would rather be mistaken as many other things than this other so-called Scott Siders. Don’t trust him. He runs a company called “Wisdom Consulting.” Guess where the wisdom comes from . . . um . . . yeah . . . from sweet baby jesus. Can you really run a business on fantasy, false hope, fear and, based on his distinguished company in Congress, philandering?

But I ramble.

It’s just so frustrating. I’m trying to get my handle recognized by google, but things are quirky. It will be designated at “The Real Scott Siders” on I think that fits.

I should move on. Since the Scott Siders imposter weighed in, we’ve seen a couple of interesting shows. We saw Jerry Stahl, author of Permanent Midnight and several other novels, read from his new book of short stories. We saw him at diPiazza’s in Long Beach. He was a little bit of an asshole throughout the reading, and was hilariously sarcastic at the reaction (or lack thereof) of the small crowd, considering the crowd he’s used to dealing with is a bookstore audience hanging on his every word, but he did what he does, and I was impressed to see him do his thing.

We saw Astra (Conor Riley (Allison’s cousin) on the keys) perform the Friday before last. It was Prog Rock down to a T, to use a ridiculous and outdated expression. It’s not my favorite genre of music, but Astra does Prog Rock as well as anyone. It was an evening for the band to perform for a semi-local progressive record label, so I hope they get signed and are prosperous beyond their wildest dreams.

As for me, I’m just working and waiting for et cetera et cetera to be mixed and mastered. It gets closer every day, and I have every reason that it will still be released this summer—assuming that you consider September to be summer (you should).

I’m still set to perform at diPiazzas’s in Long Beach this Wednesday, August 15.

There are 526 days remaining in Bush’s presidency.