Monday, July 16, 2007

An Impostor

There appears to be an impostor in our midst—and he goes by the name of Scott Siders. A friend of mine Googled me the other day, and had some disturbing information to report. Following my Web site ( as the number one hit for “scott siders,” there is a listing for Scott Siders on (his LinkedIn Web address is Coincidentally, I am also a LinkedIn member (although I haven’t put it to use yet). However, although we have one thing in common—that we both graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder—this Scott Siders is not me. There are, of course, no doubt hundreds of jackasses like me across the globe who share the name Scott Siders, but I want to make it crystal clear that the gentleman with my name in the number two position when you Google my name is not me.

Why have I gone to the trouble to make this distinction? Well, to be blunt, I in no way share the belief system of this impostor. I won’t go into details, but suffice to say that I do not want to be confused with a man of his particular religious affiliation and, further, what one can only logically assume are his oppressive political views. Needless to say, I do not work for his company, Wisdom Consulting Corporation International. You may think I’m ridiculous to have posted this, but I felt that I needed to state that, while we share the name and alma mater, that’s all we share (except, of course, that we are both mammals and undoubtedly enjoy reading, movies, and the beach—to say nothing of watching movies of people reading at the beach).

To be sure, I am quite positive that he wouldn’t want to be confused with me either. Who would?! Oh, and get this: For some reason, he continues to refuse to change his name in spite of numerous cease and desist orders. Can you imagine that?

There are 553 days remaining in Bush’s presidency.


Anonymous said...

Hi Scott,
Thank you for the clarification. I appreciate the attention you've given me and my beliefs. You are a funny guy.
I wish you all the best!
Scott Siders