Saturday, June 30, 2007

Norm and the Lave Lounge

We had the opportunity to see Norm MacDonald perform last weekend at the Irvine Improv. He’s a hilarious and filthy bastard, but you already know that unless you’ve been living under a bridge for the past 10 years. I highly recommend seeing him live if you haven’t already. I’m not sure if he does much stand-up anymore—or maybe he’s performing more than ever now that he’s not working on any TV shows. Either way, check him out. You won’t be disappointed.

I recently spoke with the founder and organizer of The Writer’s Garage, which takes place every Wednesday night at diPiazza’s Lave Lounge in Long Beach. It sounds like I’m getting on the schedule to read/perform in August. It’s a great little bar/venue, and The Writer’s Garage is always a good time. It usually starts with a writer of poetry, spoken word, or prose reading/performing, and then is followed by a local or touring band. Now that my double CD et cetera et cetera is nearly complete (it’s looking like it will be released in late July or early August at the latest), I’ve been looking for places to perform and promote it.

I actually haven’t given a reading since the release of The Armpit of Desire in November 2005, so I’m a little rusty, to say the least. Aside from that one reading, I haven’t performed on a regular basis since 404 Not Found broke up in the spring of 2004. I plan on hitting OC coffee shops and any other venues to promote et cetera et cetera beginning in July so, if you’re reading this and you’re in the area, come and check me out. I’ll be updating this blog with actual places, dates, and times, including diPiazza’s, in the coming weeks and months. More on et cetera et cetera will follow as the release date draws near. You can check out the cover art at You’ll be able to listen to a few tracks on that page as soon as they’re ready.

In the meantime, I’m also updating and redesigning my Web site,, in anticipation of the release of et cetera et cetera. Check back soon for more updates.

There are 569 days remaining in Bush’s presidency.